Read for Relief Organizers:

Erin is the author of THE LAICOS PROJECT, the first in a YA trilogy coming from HarperTeen Winter 2013. She continues to buy books even though she is running out of places to put them, drinks way too much coffee, and has an unhealthy obsession with Twitter. Erin is represented by Sara Crowe of Harvey Klinger. She blogs at and tweets @erin_bowman
Caroline Richmond
Caroline is a MG/YA writer, represented by Jim McCarthy of DGLM. One day, she hopes to own a cupcake factory, a mini horse, and a Nimbus 3000. Caroline maintains a blog at and tweets @ctrichmond
Tracey Neithercott
Tracey is a health journalist by day and a YA writer by night (and every other spare moment she can find). She's a picky eater, though that trait doesn’t extend to desserts. She also loves to read and clean, though not at the same time. Tracey blogs regularly at and tweets @T_Neithercott
Sarah Enni
Sarah is a journalist and aspiring author in Washington D.C. She loves writing, reading, and talking about books for Young Adults, both on her blog and as a contributor at YA Highway. When not reading or writing, she's a Nintendo enthusiast, a maker of endless music playlists, a letterpress card fanatic, and avid traveler. Sarah blogs at and tweets at @sarahenni
Many additional thanks to:
- Kate Hart -- Kate provided invaluable insight to organizing and running an auction. She recently manned Help Write Now, a similar fundraiser for southern storm relief, and we could not have made Read for Relief happen without her.